Welcome to our Kitchen Table, the place where we sit down to visit - maybe share a meal, maybe tell a story - and you are always welcome!

OutReels Cincinnati 2023 Film Festival

Are you a movie fan? If so, the NKY and Cincy Region have you covered! Our region hosts several distinctly unique film festivals each year, including Cindependent, indie films, Over-the-Rhine - “the nation’s first diversity film festival led by people from the disability community"—and the College…

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Only in NKY: A Craft Distillery with Psychic Powers

Second Sight Spirits marries the intrigue of engineering with the art of crafting exceptional spirits. Taste the magic of small batch spirits while you peer inside the world’s only crystal ball condenser Only in NKY. Kentucky is known for its bourbon. And it can be tricky to stand out in a state…

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