Susan Smith, the Senior Convention Sales Manager for meetNKY/Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau, has been honored by Smart Meetings magazine as a “Doer” as part of the Magazine’s Supplier of the Year awards.
“Magnificent events require a coordinated effort by all players, and these hospitality stars delivered,” Smart Meetings wrote in announcing the awards given to Smith and others in the tourism industry. “All of them were nominated because they were there for a planner when they were most needed.”
At meetNKY l Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau, Smith recruits national associations, corporations and religious organizations to the region. She has been on staff for 19 years.
“My role is to introduce planners to our gem of a destination, Northern Kentucky, and our great team of people who support them along the way to create and executive a brilliant meeting experience,” Smith said.
“I like to put energy into making people feel welcome. When one feels welcome, it seems to enhance how they receive whatever experience is in front of them.”
Faith-based visitors are providing a significant tourism boost to the region. Many are drawn to the area to visit two attractions operated by Answers in Geneses, the Creation Museum in Boone County and Ark Encounter in Grant County.
In a testimonial from the magazine, Bob Kaiser, a meeting planner with The Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) International, told Smart Meetings that “we return to Northern Kentucky because we like (Smith) and the area.”
Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau President and CEO Eric Summe said the organization is proud of Smith’s recognition by Smart Meetings.
“Great teams are made up on outstanding individuals who are dedicated and focused professionals,” Summe said. “We thank Smart Meetings for recognizing her accomplishments, work ethic and success. She truly is a doer!”
Read the original article from the Northern Kentucky Tribune here.